Diseases of Ear, Nose, Throat
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- Asthma/Swas Roga
- Snoring/Kharrata
- Sinusitis/Common Cold
- Hiccough/Hikka Roga
- Nose Bleeding / Nakseer
- Sore Tongue
- Hoarse Voice / Laryngitis
- Pus in the Ear
- Mouth ulcers / Stomatities
- Bad Breath
- Pyorrhoea
- Tonsilities / Tundicari
- Pratishyaye
- Obstruction of Nasel Passeye / Nasarodha
Asthma in ayurveda is known as Swash Roga. When patient feels difficulty in breathing is called Asthma. It is originate from the stomach and gastro-intestinal tract. The patient complains of indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea.
- Irregular food habites
- Water and Air pollution
- Due to Medicinal reactions
- Weather changes and seasonal effects
- Avoid dust-smoking and cold-drinks
- Dinner should be light and taken in early evening
- Avoid Urad, Rajma, Rice, Banana, Spicy and Fried foods
- Yoga-Pranayam breathing exercises and morning walking very useful in asthma
- Powder of Sunth, Pipli and Kali Mirch to be taken 3 gm twice a day with honey
Snoring / Kharrata
When patient complains noice at sleeping time is called 'Snoring'. It is produced by soft palate, nose, throat and other tissues of the mouth due to fractional obstruction of the air pass way. Any person can snore but it is more widespread among 40% in men and 28% in women.
- Hereditary family culture.
- Due to some medicine reaction.
- Regularly smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Narrowed airways and mouth breathing.
- Allergies asthma, cold, sinus or throat infection.
- Meditation and Yoga is useful
- Regularly clear your nasal passage
- Avoid stress, tension, smoking and alcohol
- Elevate the head of your bed and respire with nasal
- Yashtimadhu 3 gm twice a day with honey
Sinusitis / Common Cold
Sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinus. It is usually known as common cold or pritishaya. It's is due to viral infection and main cause is weakness of immune system. Poor nutrition can damage the immune system and increase suspectibility of viruses. Patient feels stuffy nose and loss of smell.
- Shad Bindu Tail used twice a day
- Avoid stress, strain and day sleep
- Steam inhalation very useful for sinusitis
- Curd, Fried and spicy foods are prohibited
- Fresh onion juice 10ml twice a day with honey
- Tulsi and Amla helps to improve the immune system
Nose Bleeding / Epistaxis
In Ayurveda epistaxis is known as Naksheer. Nose is the part of the body which has largest amount of blood vessels.Nosebleeds can occur suddenly when the nasal membranes dry or crack. Nose bleeding is common in dry climates or winter months when the air is dry and warm from household heaters.
- Infections
- High blood pressure
- Common cause is trauma
- Allergic or non-allergic rhinitis
- Vitamin k deficiency
- Inherited genetic disorder
- Avoid hot-fried and spicy foods
- Wash the face and head with cold water
- Icepack applied outside on the nose
- Few drops of the juice of doob grass or onion is useful
- Patient should not expose to hard physical or mental labour
Sore Tongue
Tongue is the sensory organ of our body. Which indicates the taste feeding matters. It allow to taste food, swallow, and talk.The healthy tongue is pink and covered with small nodules called papillae
- Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco
- Gargles with luke warm water
- Khadiradi vati suck thrice a day
- Lavanbhaskar chooran 3gm twice a day very useful
Hoarse Voice / Laryngitis
In Ayurveda this is called Svarabheda. When patient complains inflammation of the throat causes hoarseness of noice. It is produced by soft palate, throat and other tissues of the nack due to fractional obstruction of the air pass way. Any person
- Hereditary family culture
- Due to some medicine reaction
- Regularly smoking and drinking alcohol
- Allergies asthma, cold, sinus or throat infection
- Avoid cold drink and Ice cream
- Regularly gargles with luke warm water
- Avoid stress, tension, smoking and alcohol
- Suck Yashtimadhu 3 gm twice a day
Pus in the Ear
In Ayurveda this is known as Puttikarna. Pus in the ear occurs due to any infection in the ear which is caused by certain bacteria or viruses. When pus is formed in the middle ear patient complains unbearable severe pain in the ear. In the most cases the pus enters into the external ear and outside after the eardrum is ruptured.
- Avoid curd,rice,guava,sour fruits,fried and spicy food
- Garlic and ginger are useful both externally and internally
- Sarivadi vati thrice a day with water
Mouth ulcers / Stomatities
In Ayurveda Stomatities is known as Mukhapaka. It may be caused by different types of germs. It is the common problem of humen being.
- Constipation
- Irregular food habites
- Some times due to drugs reaction
- Gargles with luke warm water
- Trifla powder 3 gm twice a day with water
- Avoid curd,pickles,fried and spicy foods
- Green vegetables and fruits should be given to the patient
Tonsilities / Tundicari
Tonsillitis is inflammation or enlargement of the tonsils. Tonsils are lymph nodes, located on both sides of the throat. Tonsillitis can be described as a bacterial or viral infection that affects these lymph nodes. In ayurveda Tonsilitis is known as Tundicari.
- Sore throat
- Fever and headache
- Difficulty in swallowin
- In some cases pain in ear
- Tonsils are seen to be reddish
- Gargles with luke warm water is useful
- Avoid sour substances fried and spicy foods
- Regularly take carrot juice 300 ml, beet juice100ml, and cucumber juice100ml
- Luke warm milk, mixed with turmeric powder and pipper powder should be taken every night for three nights