Diseases of Joint Diseases
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- Arthritis
- Frogen Shoulder
- Joint Pains and Inflammotion
- Carvical and Lumbar Spondylosis
- Fibrositis
- Strain
- Capsulitis
- Sports Injuries
- Gout
- Synovitis
- Back ache /Katishool
- Arthralgia
- Sprain
- Sciatica
- Myosits
- Tenosynovitis
Arthritis in ayurveda is called Amavata.It affects mainly joints which become swelling with painful. If it is not treated immediately then affected with stiffness and inflamation. Movement of the joints becomes extremely painful.
- ESR is raised
- Uric acid raised
- X-ray shows radiographic changes
- R.A.Factor positive
- Hot fomantation very useful in affected joint
- Saffron mixed luke warm milk is useful
- Sour things,curd,cold drinks,rice,spicy and fried food prohibited
- Sexual intercourse should be avoided and take plenty of liquid
When patient feels dificulty movement of shoulder. Restricted movement is most importent finding. It is commonly found in the females between the age group of 40 to 55years. The cause of frozen shoulder is unknown in Modern medical science.
- Pain in shoulder
- Painful condition
- Some times back pain appear
- Movement of shoulder is limited
- In some cases patient feels vertigo and headache
- Oil therapy gives relief
- Fomentation with luke warm water
- Ayurvedic therpy useful in this condition
Joint Pains and Inflammation
Joint Pain and Inflammation in ayurveda called Amavata.It affects mainly joints which become swelling with painful. If it is not treated immediately then affected with stiffness and inflamation. Movement of the joints becomes extremely painful.
- ESR is raised
- Uric acid raised
- X-ray shows radiographic changes
- R.A.Factor positive
- Hot fomantation very useful in affected joint
- Saffron mixed luke warm milk is useful
- Sour things,curd,cold drinks,rice,spicy and fried food prohibited
- Sexual intercourse should be avoided and take plenty of liquid
Carvical and Lumbar Spondylosis
Cervical and Lumber Spondtlosis is a specific form of arthritis. It affects the vertebrae, connective bony and ligamental structures which known as spondylitis.It is a very common disorder of spine. Frequently it occurs in the cervical vertebrae.
- Avoided exposure to cold
- Morning walk gives relief to the patients.
- Trifla powder helpful for this condition
- Sleep during the day time is prohibited
- Massage with medicated oil gives relief
- Hot fomentation on the vertibra of neck is useful
- Take Ajmodadi powder 3gm twice a day with luke warm water
Gout is a painful metabolic disorder resulting in inflammation in the joints. In ayurveda it is known as 'Vatarakta'. The intake of mutually contradictory food articles and metabolic waste products from body are responsible for gout. Increased amount of uric acid found in patients suffering from gout is always above the normal lavel. Patients feels difficulty in walking.
- Sleep during day time is prohibited
- Avoid exposure to cold wind, cold water, rain
- Cold drink, curd, rice, sour, spicy and fried things prohibited
Backache / Katishool
Backache is spasm of the muscles in the lower back region. It is generally caused by a fibrositis. It is usually occurs in old age. Mostly effects males Who are living in sedentary habit. Sedentary habit is harmful for such patients.
- Regularly mornning walk is useful
- Exercise of the back and pelvic region gives relief
- Wheat, jawar, bajra, methi useful in this condition
- Cold drinks, curd, rice, pulses, sour and spicy fried things prohibited