Diseases of Metabolic Disorders
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- Diabetes/Prameha
- Goitre/Gengha
- Obesity/Kasharya
- Thyroid Glands
Diabetes /Madhumeha
Diabetes in ayurveda is known as Madhumeha. It is of two type: Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus. When blood sugar level goes up and sugar appears in the urine This condition is known as Diabetes. It's main symptoms are excessive hunger, thrist, urination and weakness. It may cause a burning sensation on the sole of feet. Blood Sugar Level:
- Fasting 120mg/100ml
- P.P. 180mg/100ml
- Polyuria
- Polydypsia
- Polyphagia
- General weakness
- Non healing of wounds
- Pain in calf muscles
- Use glass of vijaysar wood
- Walk daily two to three miles in a day
- Yogic exercise, specially paschimottanasana is useful in this condition
- Sleep during the day time is strictly prohibited
- Juice of Bael leaves 2Tsf to be given twice a day
Goitre /Galaganda
Enlargement of Thyroid gland is Goitre. It is a Swelling in the front part of the neck. In ayurveda this is known as Galgand. It is usually manifested because of lack of Iodine in food suplements. Swelling of the gland in neck becomes visible and sometimes causing difficulty in respiration and swallowing of foods and drinks.
- Exercise of the neck is useful.
- Sour and heavy foods are contraindicated
- Old rice, moong dal, barley, bengal gram, drumstick, cucumber, patola, sugarcane juice, milk and milk products rae useful in this condition
Obesity /Kasharya
In ayurveda Obesity is known as Kasharya. When fat in excessive amount deposite in the body is called Obesity. There are many places in the body where fat deposited in excessively, but most common areas are the abdomen, breasts and buttocks. It may be due to disturbences of thyroid, pituitary and sex glands.
- Due to wrong diet generally overeating
- Luxurious life and day sleep
- Due to hormonal imblenceing
- Avoid sleeping during the day time
- Exercise and morning walk helps in reducing the weight
- Trifla ras with honey gives better results
- Green vegetables, salads, fruit juices and liquid diet are best for a fatty person
- Avoid meat, fish, sugar, fast-food, fatty and spicy-fried food meterials
Thyroid Gland
Enlargement of Thyroid gland is Goitre. It is metabolic disorder and it's sevearity depends on hormonal secrections of thyriod gland. It is a Swelling in the front part of the neck. In ayurveda this is known as Galgand. It is usually manifested because of lack of Iodine in food suplements. Swelling of the gland in neck becomes visible and sometimes causing difficulty in respiration and swallowing of foods and drinks. Common disorder of the thyroid gland is goitre.
Overactivity of the thyroid is hyperthyroidism:
- Loss of weight
- Rapid heart rate
- Heighly strung nervous temperament
- Exercise of the neck is useful
- Sour and heavy foods are contraindicated
- Kanchnar guggul useful in this condition
- Old rice, moong dal, barley, bengal gram, drumstick, cucumber, patola, sugarcane juice, milk and milk products rae useful in this condition