- Acne and Pimples
- Dandruff
- Hair Fall and Greying
- Boils
- Burns
- Corn
- Eczema/Vicharchika
- Urticaria / Sheet Pitta
- Leucoderma /Switra/Vitiligo
- Psoriasis
- Scabies/Pama/ Kandu
- Sun Burn
- Warts
- Ring Worm
- Leprosy
Acne and Pimples
Acne and Pimples is commonest skin disease seen in the face, back of the neck and trunk. It is not a painful or discomfortable condition. That is commonely in teenagers, adults experience it too.
- Wash your face twice or thrice a day.
- Avoid oil-based cosmetics and soaps.
- Expose your body to sun and air, but do not sunburn.
- Do not pinch the pimples, as it can lead to inflamation.
- Apply Jaiphal,s paste with water on Acne.
- Keep your bowls regular.
- Excessive oily food should be avoided.
- Iodine rich foods, such as salt,liver,cheese,nuts should be avoided.
Dandruff is generally affect the scalp. Occasionally, it can also affect the ears, eyebrows and forehead. Exact cause is unknown, but general known cause is fungal infection.
- Personal hygiene is important.
- Use olive oil with lemen juice.
- Shampoo the hair twice a week.
- DANO hair oil[[Dr.JRK's Siddha Research] useful in dandruff.
- Brush your hairs daily to improve blood circulation and remove dead cells.
- Wash your hairs with gram powder,lemon juice and curd.
Hair Fall and Greying
Loss of hair is known as Baldness(Khalitya) and Graying of hair is generally considerd as a sign of old age, it is known as Palitya. Excessive mental worry, dippression and anger are considerd to be the cause of this ailment.
- Massage of scalp gives better result in this cndition.
- A glass of water in early morning is helpfull for this condition.
- Brush your hairs twice a day to improve blood circulation.
- Take Amla juice 30 ml twice a day with glass water.
- Powder of Bhringraj should be mixed with honey given twice a day on empty stomach.
- Meat,fish,ghee,milk and high protein diet should be advised.
Boil is painful deep skin infection. It is reddish pus-filled swelling. Which can appear any part of the body. Boil generally starts with reddish colour.
- Clean your skin and daily bathe with Multani mitti.
- Avoid alcoholic intake.
- Drink fresh cabbage juice 30 ml everyday.
- Improve your diet to include fruits and vegetables, especially in raw form
- Avoid sweets, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and junk food.
Burns is a serious injury to body tissues which is dueto heat, chemicals or radiation. However heat is the most common cause.It is painfull condition.
- Spread a Thin layer of pulp of Aloe vera or it,s juice over the affected area.
- Turmeric powder with honey applied the affected area.
- Paste of mehndi leaves give proper relief.
Corn generally appears on the feet sole and sometime appears on hands. It has been thickned due to constant pressure. Corns are small and arise on the toes. It looks like white-yellowish harded mass and may or may not be painful, but in late stage it may become dangerous condition.
- Fomentation with luke warm water twice a day.
- Milky juice of papaya fruit applied on corn.
- Calotropis juice applied oncorn.
- Neem oil should be used on corns.
Eczema /Vicharchika
Eczema begins with Erythema and oedema. It is primarily of two types -DRY and WET ECZEMA.It affecting the female and male people of all ages. Which can appear any part of the body. In chronic cases the skin becomes thickned and appears like the Bark of a Tree.
- Try to keep away from excessive sweating.
- Stay away from wool cloths and blankets.
- Affected part should be cleaned daily with luke warm water boiled with the bark of Neem tree.
- Paste of Neem bark should be applied on affected part and allowed to dry and then washed off.
- Avoid excessive salt, tea, coffee, alcohol, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, hot spices etc.
Urticaria /Sheet Pitta
Urticaria is a common skin reaction in ayurveda it is known as Sheet pitta. It may occur any part of the body. It,s general causative factors are:
- Intestinal worms
- Exposure to the cold wind
- Constipation
- Food allergy
- Jaundice
- Pregnancy
- Patient should be dewormed.
- Sour things like curd are prohibited.
- Sudh Gerik 2 gm taken with honey twice a day.
- Patient should be rubed with musterd oil mixed with powder of rock-salt.It gives instant relief.
Leucoderma /Switra/Vitiligo
Leucoderma is a pigmentation disorder on the humen skin. When white patches appears on the different parts of the body,is known as Leucoderma.White hairs are common in macules of vitiligo.
- Chronic Constipation
- Intestinal worms
- Irregular food habits
- Insufficient sweating
- Excessive Tention
- The patient should be kept on salt free diet.
- Exposure to sun and heat should be avoided.
- Vegetables with a bitter taste like gourd are beneficial.
- Applied Chitrak powder and expose to sun-rays daily for 20 minutes in the morning, but no sun burn.
Psoriasis is non-infectious and an autoimmune disorder of the skin. It is a chronic skin disease characterized by dry-rough skin and red areas on the skin covered with fine silvery scales. It is often seen in people between 14 to 50 years. The exact cause of psoriasis is not known.
- Red patches on skin with silvery scales.
- Dry,cracked skin that may bleed.
- Avoid curd, Hot and spicy things
- Avoid alcoholic intake and smoking.
- Flowers of Neem tree are very useful in this condition.
- Grind a handful of fresh jasmine flowers and apply the paste on the affected areas.
- Drink fresh cabbage juice 50 ml everyday to ensure faster recovery.
Scabies is infectious skin disease.Which can appear any part of the body.It includes severe and continuous itching, especially at night. It occurs in the body such as between the fingurs and toes, buttocks, elbows, waist area, genital area and under the breasts in women.
- Paste of Neem powder and turmeric mix with musterd oil applied on affected area.
- Clothes of affected person should be washed in hot water daily. Nails should be trimmed.
- Purified sulphur is commonly used in the treatment of scabies
Sun Burn
Sun Burn occures commonly in male-female. It is produced due to the expose in sun rays by sun stroke. Skin becomes redish and tender with itching. Some times it become painful.
- Avoid expose in sun.
- Remove the person in cool palace.
- Cool the skin by sponging cold water.
- Applied the paste of chandan and haridra.
Warts are harmless growths in the skin or mucous membrane that are caused by Human papilloma virus(HPV). Warts can grow upto 7mm in diameter. Wart is of different types and may attack in any part of the body, especially inside the mouth, genitals, male penis, female vagina etc.It may attack people of any age and sex. Some pregnent women when suffering from wart face some problem at the time of dilivery and difficulty at the passing time of urine.
- Regular application of Papaya milk is effective in warts.
- Onion piece rubbed over the warts.
- Caster oil effective in curing wart. Apply over the infected skin.
- Slice of potato rub over the infected area.
Ring Worm
Ring Worm is a fungal infectious skin disease. Different fungi affects different parts of the body. It is mainly due to lack of hygine.
- Avoid sharing of cloths, towles or sheets.
- Washing cloths with warm water shopes.
- Neem powder taken daily 3 gm twice a day.
- Applied paste of Curd and Basan once a day.
Leprosy is a chronic skin disease which affects the mucous membranes of the skin and nerves. It can appear any part of the body.
- Patient should be kept on salt free diet.
- Exposure to sun and heat should be avoided.
- Vegetables with a bitter taste are beneficial.
- Paste of Neem powder and Termaric mix with musterd oil applied on affected part of the body.
- Clothes of affected person should be washed in hot water daily.
- Avoid oil based cosmetics.