Diseases of Urinary System
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- Burning urine
- Kidney Stones /Ashmaries
- Nephritis / Swelling of Kidney
- Blood in urine / Haematuria
- Prostate Enlargement /Asthela
- Bed -wetting/Sayya Mutra /Nocturia
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Poly urea / Excessive urination
- Mutra Ghat / Retention of urine
- Chronic Renal Failure /Vrikkajanya Shoth
Burning urine
Burning Urine is a common symptom that often indicates a urine infection.Some people feels a sharp pain or burning sensation in urethra while passing the urine. There could be blood in the urine. Some times person experiences soreness in the belly,back or sides and chills, fever and nausea.
- Avoid alcohol,spicy foods,chillies and coffee etc.
- Empty your bladder completly when you pass urine.
- Wash the genital area twice a day.
- Urinate before and after intercourse and drink a glass of water before intercourse.
- Wear cotton undergarments and avoid bath tubs.
- Taking Vitamin C in the form of fruit juices regularly.
Kidney Stones /Ashmaries
The formation of stones is a common disorder of Urinary system. It is found in kidneys,ureters,bladder and urethra.The stones are usually made up of either calcium, oxilate or phosphate.
- Liquids should be taken in good quantity.
- Alcohol,pickles,fish,chicken should be avoided becouse these irritate the urinary system.
- Hot water bath and hot Fomentation over the back give relief.
Nephritis / Swelling of Kidney
The swelling of one or both kidneys is called Nephritis.It involves inflammation of different parts of the Kidney due to differ causes.
- Some drugs,heavy metals and chemicals.
- Any bacterial,fungal,viral infections in Urinary system.
- Diet should be salt free,protein restricted.
- Hot fomentation,steam bath,tub bath advised.
Prostate Enlargement /Asthela
Prostate Enlargement is a common problem in males above 50 years.The Prostate gland is walnut-shaped and produces seminal fluid.Which located just below men,s bladder.It is an integral part of the male reproductive system.
- Frequency of micturition at night.
- Patient passes urine better on standing.
- It may be difficult to stop urinating once the process is started.
Bed -wetting/Sayya Mutra /Nocturia
Involuntary urination in bed at sleeping time is known as Nocturia.Some times patient complains burning sensation and feels Depression.
- Ajmodadi ark 30 ml twice a day with a glass water.
- Kamalgatta seed is very useful in bed-wetting.
- Intake of liquids prohibitid at night.
- Tub-bath gives better result.
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection is the commonest infection in the body.Some people feel a burning sensation in the urethra while passing the urine.UTI may involve the urethra, bladder,ureter and the kidneys themselves.
- Painfull micturation.
- Sudden onset of fever with rigors.
- Some times blood or pus comes with urine.
- Plenty of fluids are helpfull.
- Hot spices should be avoided.
- Exposure to sun and heat is to be avoided.
Poly urea / Excessive urination
When patient urinates in excessive many times a day, disease is known as Polyurea.Generaly it appears after the age 50 years.Polyurea means releasing excessive volume of urine.
- Intake of large amount of fluids.
- Diabetes.
- Urinary Tract Infection.
- Prostate disorders.
- Bladder disorder.
- Kamalgatta 3 gm twice a day.
- Ajvayan ark 30 ml twice a day with water.
Mutra Ghat / Retention of urine
Urinary Retantion is a common complication.Retantion of urine usually associated with lower abdomenal pain. Bladder is tender on palpitation.
- Presence of Stone in Bladder.
- Prostate Enlargement.
- Spinal cord injury.
- Any rupture in urethra.
- Some times drug indused reaction.
- Gokshur kwath is very benificial.
- Ajmoda powder 3 gm twice a day with water.
- Hot fomentation in lower abdomen gives relief.